Sunday 8 September 2013


It's all a matter of seeing.
In my world,
I could never ask a student to use a formal title that
I wasn't prepared to use with him in return,
that would be
hypocrisy.  I see value
in showing some formal respect to children;
they need to know that they are human, equals,
capable of anything I am capable of.
They need to know, that
I am looking them in the eye, and I am not blinking. 

With adults, using formalities separates rather than unifies,
the words are walls or air;
respect and authority are only ever earned...through professionalism,
openness, grace, and knowledge.  And
if you have those qualities,
you don't need a title to tell you who you are. 
I'm looking you in the eye, and I'm not blinking.

You can't teach,
learn from,
or love a man
who is unwilling to look you in the eye. 

My name is James. 
Not Mr. James, not American James, not musician James, not teacher James. 

I know who I am.  Do you?

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