Tuesday 19 October 2010

So Sings My Heart (Collage)

Tavim kvėpuoju aš
Tus manos clavadas
Tus pies heridos
Señor Jesucristo,
Hijo de Dios,
ten piedad de mí
Ateikit ištroškę,
Ateikit silpni.
Come, take and eat.
Awake my soul.
Viešpatie ateik.
Viešpatie ateik.
How fickle my heart and how woozy my eyes,
And what if You'd sing me alive?

Открой мое сердце Господь мой
Porque todo lo que hay dentro de mi,
Necesita ser cambiado Señor
I don't want to be the same.
Господи, prefiero orar como esto,
no quiero parecer
I felt the Lord begin
To peel off all my skin,
And I felt the way within
Revealed a bigger mess.
Tomame, abrazame, I will wait on
You my King separator, sustainer
Find me here, speak to me.
O Dvasia ateik здесь ven
aquí I need Thee oh I need Thee
Eres mi torre, as he takes me
by the hand, con Él yo voy. Tantas voces
adentro de mi corazón they sing your
glories. Господи спаси и сохрани.
The nails in your hands.
Viešpatie Jėzau Kristau,
Dievo Sūnau,
pasigailėk manęs nusidėjelio.
The nails in your feet.
I'm gonna leave You the first chance I get,
sweet pursuer, don't let go.
No me dejas, esperaré
Иисусе Христе,
Сыне Божий,
помилуй мя грешнаго.
I don't know how to say I need You and mean it.
I don't know how to say I love You and let it be true.
I don't know how to say I'm both desperate and terrified.
That I love You and I believe You (mostly) that's why I want to run away.
Come Lord Jesus Come, go ahead please fight me.
I want to see, I want to sing, but the words aren't enough alone,
Lord Jesus Christ,
Have mercy on me,
a sinner.
Viešpatie ateik.
Viešpatie ateik.
Breathe me.

1 comment:

  1. I really want to know how it feels to read this poem. How it means to you.

    The poem's structure centers around a couple repetitions of songs and liturgical prayers in some degree of translation. About 3/4ths of the lines are quotations. (Collage)
