Sunday 24 June 2012

Aircraft Carrier

Это все.
I would drop these heavy bags
Right now
If I knew I would die
The things we carry,
A bloody disease, a balloon of hot air,
Why do I assume I will keep on living?
Sea gull insanity prometheus fooling the deities.
The things we carry,
Wheelbarrows, bureaus full,
All the ticking-time-bomb gold watches,
Collected earthly possessions heaped
To be looted by thugs in spectacles and uniforms
Melted down or burning,
The things we carry
Anger, honor, shame
All the dropped calls,
Parent's blame,
What ifs and whys
We're all in line for a cold shower,
Ash and soap.
I should've called you sooner,
I should've knocked on your door
I could've said something differently,
Could've lost it all.
Why do I keep on
living? Could I be different?
How could I keep living,
While I split the plunder and pull the
Trigger, or worse, sit silent, sip death's tea
How could I be differnt from
The mayfly
Today live tomorrow die
No time for bucket lists' last good-byes
Just the blink blink drip drip blatt blatt of
The eye
Everything like leaves must die, light a candle,
Shadow I blearing away on a teardrop life
Flood playing for
An ark, a love, for air, for blood.
When I kissed you, I didn't think
I was the only one
Eye shutter to think, brain reeling
This passing photography my my memory
We'll be erased
At best might translate
Like some dull thud into afterburner,
An angel tongue.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, man.

    My favorite section:
    "The things we carry,
    Wheelbarrows, bureaus full,
    All the ticking-time-bomb gold watches,
    Collected earthly possessions heaped
    To be looted by thugs in spectacles and uniforms
    Melted down or burning,
    The things we carry
    Anger, honor, shame
    All the dropped calls,
    Parent's blame,
    What ifs and whys
    We're all in line for a cold shower,
    Ash and soap."

    Great concrete images. Strong allusiveness.
    I'll have to read it a few more times.
    Really awesome.
