Saturday 3 December 2011

My Little Pink Room

unpack, repack, throwaway, it's not so much the things as it is the memories,
my best intentions of using things
of not letting them go to waste...
that's devastating
untold stories. unlived dreams.

I don't have any keys on my ring,
still saving a ring for somebody.
A heavy bag, a border crossing.

unpack, shelve things, make a place, it's not so much
the work as it is the identities
my best intentions of all I might be

Nesting, twisted pink and purple blue blanket carpet on the floor
Pink walls smattered with pictures of the world, an American flag
I've written on, a "King and a Kingdom"
Scattered clothes, books on the shelf
I'm not sure quite where the heart is, but
For now, this is home.

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