Monday 13 February 2012

Face Music

I will invent a machine that will play the music
That your varied faces make,
So that when you are gone,
I can hear them all, your smiles,
Your frowns, your smirks, your winks,
Otherwise my memory won't serve me,
And your absence will feel too heavy.

It will also compose the thoughts and glances of
strangers, filtering those that pass
into violin arpeggios and piano notes,
Spanish guitar and keyboard tones
In my headphones,
Taking into account the details
Like raised or furrowed eyebrows,
The shapes of noses and chins,
The spreading lines of smiles and worries within.

And when I lay in bed,
The music repeats itself softly,
Trying to resolve the horns of disdain
The clashes loud in hate,
Lingering over a murmuring, lingering glance
Where a passerby passed a compliment, interest,
Or pain.
But before sleeping,
I will listen again to your face,
The beautiful melodies you believe and say,
Without saying anything,
And with a smile,
I'll mutter thanks
Harmonizing with the wind.

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