For JL and Georgia
The poets are all
Or perhaps
We only notice them
when they are old
It seems the greats
are all gone,
We pretenders scratch
in the dirt,
Hanging our heads,
Trying to muster up
the ego to
Put down the words,
To pretend that poetry
still matters,
And then, to edit,
And then, to edit,
To put on the mask,
the forgotten art,
Chasing the lightning
That we once felt at
our fingertips.
We too are growing old,
We too are growing old,
The ink spinning out of the plasma
From a tube in the arm
But death is always with us.
How much ink is left?
Altar love.
Bone love.
Altar love.
Bone love.
Grave love.
Thorn love.
After love.
After love.
Altar love.
After( )light.
"Pass with care."